How Do You Measure Up?


QuietWaters Compass Online

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A Digital Help Toward Renewal from QuietWaters Ministries

Volume 9, Number 9 September 2009
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October has been declared Clergy Appreciation Month.  And as you will see if you receive our Compass magazine, I’m declaring 2010 as The Year of The Clergy. 


When perform a wedding ceremony, you may end by saying. . . by the authority vested in me by the State of (name of State).  While no authority has vested in me the right to declare any year the year of anything that’s not stopping me. 


Pass this issue along to your church leadership for both the article about measuring up and the information about Clergy Appreciation Month.




How Do You Measure Up?       
by Jim Schlottman


Measuring Tape for SuccessRecently, I spoke to a pastor who shared that his church was going through a time of evaluation of programs and church ministry.  He said as they have been going through this process many of his church lay leaders have been looking at statistics to measure the success or failure of the church.

However, he told me that when Jesus gave His evaluation of the seven churches in the provinces of Asia He didn’t mention any statistics.
The Men’s Bible Study that I attend has just begun a study of Revelation.  So as we read the early passages that talk about the seven churches, I thought about this pastor’s comments.  I’m sure you’ve read these passages many times and you may have even used them in a sermon or in evaluating your church.  The evaluations are very direct.
The first church mentioned is the church in Ephesus.  Jesus states fourteen measures of this church.  Eight are their good traits, followed by one of the worst accusations they could have heard – “you forgot your first love.”
Then He tells them how they can get back in God’s favor, followed by a warning and the reason why they deserve a second chance.
First the good traits:
1. Your deeds.
2. Your hard work.
3. Your perseverance.
4. You cannot tolerate wicked men.
5. You have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.
6. You have persevered (that is the second time this is mentioned).
7. (You). . . have endured hardships for my name.
8. (You) . . . have not grown weary.
Now the bad thing:
9. You have forsaken your first love.
Then He gives them advice how to get back in His favor:
10. Remember the height from which you have fallen!
11. Repent and do the things you did at first.
And finally He gives them a warning:
12. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
But there is still a chance for the church in Ephesus because:
13. But you have this in your favor:
14. You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
That is just the first church.  How does your church measure up so far?  Have you lost your first love?  Have you forgotten the “things you did at first?”  How often we are like the proverbial frog in the pot.  We very slowly slip away from the first things, the first love.  If you find yourself there right now, stop and go back.
Then we come to the church in Smyrna.  I have mixed feeling about being compared with the church in Smyrna.  What He lists is how bad off they were.  However, although things were tough at Smyrna, Jesus gave them one of the greatest promises He could have given – “I will give you the crown of life.”
The Smyrna list:
1. I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich!
2. I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Then He gives them an encouragement or what could even be called a charge:
3. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer.
He goes on to tell them what they are going to face.  You know sometimes I would just as well not know what is going to happen.  It only causes me to worry.
4. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you
5. You will suffer persecution for ten days. 
At least there was a given time limit on their persecution.
And again with the charge:
6. Be faithful, even to the point of death
But then the big finish.  They are told what the reward will be:
7. I will give you the crown of life.
We could make lists about each of the next five churches.  Each church was very different in the good things they did and in the bad things.  Which one does your church come the closest to resembling?
Even if your church is not currently going through an evaluation, it won’t hurt for you and your leadership to take one of your meetings to stand your church up against one of the seven and see just what Jesus would say about you.  Remember it would be worth making sure you measure up well.  Remember the reward is to be given the crown of life.

 Clergy Appriciation Month text logo
October has been declared Clergy Appreciation Month.  It is a special time that many congregations set aside each year to honor their pastors and pastoral families for the hard work, sacrificial dedication and multiple blessings provided by their pastor. 


I’ve asked your pastor to pass this Compass Online along to a person in leadership at your church.  You are that leader and you are instructed in the Bible to provide your pastor double honor.

“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17). 
There are two ways to honor your pastor and helm help your pastors and their families feel appreciated:
  1. Figure out what you can do personally to recognize and honor your leader. A simple card, an invitation to lunch, a promise to pray for them or an offer to babysit, wash a car or mow a lawn make wonderful statements.
  2. Share the concept of Clergy Appreciation Month with others in your congregation and challenge them to join you in some kind of formal planning. You might consider a special service of affirmation, a potluck event or planting a tree in their honor. The sky is the limit!

If you carry out these suggestions, why not do something each month throughout the year.  If you need suggestions, please give me a call – Jim at 866-5-waters (866-592-8377). 

If you would like to receive our Compass magazine, email me at [email protected].  In our latest issue of the Compass magazine you will see that I have declared 2010 as The Year of the Clergy/Pastor.

We continue to seek new members for our Prayer Team.
If you are interested in joining the Team, please contact Jim Schlottman at [email protected] or call him at 866-5-Waters (866-592-8377).
The QuietWaters Compass Online is published monthly as a free service of QuietWaters Ministries, whose mission is to renew, restore, and strengthen Christian leaders and their families. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of QuietWaters Ministries, its personnel or trustees. Material contained in this publication is not intended as a substitute for the professional assistance you can receive from a counselor, or health care provider. Requests for permission to reprint articles should be directed to the editor at the address below.
James L. Schlottman
QuietWaters Ministries
(303) 639-9066
© Copyright 2009 by
QuietWaters Ministries
Bethesda Foundation, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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In This Issue
How Do You Measure Up?
Clergy Appreciation Month
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The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.


Psalm 23:1-3

To renew, restore and strengthen Christian leaders and their families

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