Welcome to our Blog


We are introducing a blog to the Quiet Waters Ministries website to enable us to provide you with frequent updates and encouraging words.  You will hear from several staff members about new happenings at QWM and good articles to help you with self-care, growth and vision as you carry out your call to ministry.

QuietWaters is all about renewal, so we want to provide information that will help you realize renewal.

QuietWaters is all about restoration, so we want to give you tools that can address your restoration.

QuietWaters is all about strengthening you for ministry, so we want to give you suggestions on ways to be strengthened.

QuietWaters is all about you, so we want you to know about new ways in which QWM is providing for your enrichment.

So check our blog often and join us on this ministry journey.

Jim Schlottman

To renew, restore and strengthen Christian leaders and their families

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